Kim Junseong

Kim Junseong

I am a joint MS-Ph.D. student at AMILab in Electrical Engineering at POSTECH, advised by Tae-Hyun Oh. Previously, I completed my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at POSTECH.

I work on research projects at the intersection of computer graphics, vision, and machine learning. My research lies in 3D machine perception including, 3D Reconstruction, Neural rendering, and Computational Photography, but not limited to. | CV | Google Scholar | GitHub


07/2024 Our paper Axial Motion magnification is accepted to ECCV 2024.
05/2024 Our paper SynergyNeRF is accepted to ICML 2024.
02/2024 I am starting Academic collaboration with NVIDIA Taiwan.
04/2023 Our paper on deep motion magnification is accepted to CVPRW 2023.
03/2023 Invited to give a talk on HDR-Plenoxels at NAVER.
01/2023 I am joining 3D NeRF team of Naver AI Lab as a Research Intern.
07/2022 Our paper HDR-Plenoxels is accepted to ECCV 2022.

Research Experiences

NVIDIA Research Taiwan, Taiwan.Feb 2024 - Present
   Academic Collaboration, working with jaesung-choe.
Naver AI lab - 3D NeRF team, South Korea.Feb 2023 - Aug 2023
   Research Intern, worked with Jin-Hwa Kim.
POSTECH - Algorithmic Machine Intelligence lab, Pohang, Korea.Sep 2021 - Present
   Graduate Student, working with Tae-Hyun Oh.


Learning-based Axial Motion Magnification
Kwon Byung-Ki, Oh Hyun-Bin, Kim Jun-Seong, Hyunwoo Ha, Tae-Hyun Oh
ECCV 2024
Project page | Paper |

Factorized Multi-Resolution HashGrid for Efficient Neural Radiance Fields: Execution on Edge-Devices
Kim Jun-Seong*, Mingyu Kim*, GeonU Kim, Tae-Hyun Oh, Jin-Hwa Kim
Under review

Synergistic Integration of Coordinate Network and Tensorial Feature for Improving Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Inputs
Mingyu Kim, Kim Jun-Seong, Se-Young Yun, Jin-Hwa Kim
ICML 2024
Project page | Paper

Revisiting Learning-based Video Motion Magnification for Real time processing
Hyunwoo Ha, Oh Hyun-Bin, Kim Jun-Seong, Kwon Byung-Ki, Kim Sung-Bin, Linh-Tam Tran, Ji-Yun Kim, Sung-Ho Bae, Tae-Hyun Oh
Arxiv preprint 2024

HDR-Plenoxels: Self-Calibrating High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields
Kim Jun-Seong*, Kim Yu-Ji*, Moon Ye-Bin, Tae-Hyun Oh
ECCV 2022
Project page | Paper | Video
- Presented in Learning 3D with Multi-View Supervision Workshop (3DMV) at CVPR 2023

Invited Talks

Academic Services

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